Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances
Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship…

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How to earn fast
Do you urgently need money? There are several ways to quickly earn extra money. Such…

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What is a debit and credit balance
“Debit and credit” is perhaps the most famous accounting phrase that even those who are…


How to Find Marginal Revenue
According to basic economic principles, if a company lowers the price of its products, then…

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limitations and negative

Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances

Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship with finances? We all want to have as much money as we need and even more, but in the end we can observe that someone is friends with money, and someone not so much.

Money requires respect, so proper handling and following the money laws discussed in this article will help you improve your financial situation and strengthen your relationship with money. Continue reading

How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…


The main mistakes of businessmen
So what's the problem? Why do some manage to run a business, while others go…


Business financial health
It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a…
