How to calculate debt service payments
Debt service is the periodic (usually annual) payment of accrued interest and part of the…

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Business financial health
It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a…

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Types of cash flows
Three types of cash flows It is customary for entrepreneurs to divide the cash flow…


How to make money recycling aluminum cans and plastic bottles
Recycling materials is not only good for the environment, but it can also be great…

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loss of profit

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How to become a millionaire

Many people dream of becoming a millionaire, but not many try to achieve this specific goal. In a world where the first billion is the new goal for the rich, it is quite possible for the average person to become a millionaire. To do this, you need to have rational thinking, conduct effective management and periodically take calculated risks.
Preparing for Success Continue reading

How to Calculate the Share of Income Paid as Dividends

The share of income paid in the form of dividends is a way of measuring the share of a company’s profits that is paid out to investors in the form of dividends over a set period (usually within a year), and does not go to the development of the company. In general, old and established companies have higher dividend ratios – their earnings levels have already risen significantly, while companies with lower dividend ratios are young companies with rapidly growing potential. To calculate the proportion of a company’s earnings paid out in dividends over a given period, use either Dividends Paid/Net Income or Annual Dividends Per Share/Net Earnings Per Share, which are equivalent. Continue reading

How to create a trust fund

A trust fund is commonly seen as a way to raise money for the children of wealthy people, but in fact it can be a useful financial tool at any stage of life. A trust fund can be a good example of how to set aside and save money for children or save money for loved ones in the event of the death of a family member.

Image titled Create a Trust Fund Step 1
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How to create a trust fund
A trust fund is commonly seen as a way to raise money for the children…


Money under the mattress does not work!
Like fuel for a car. If a canister of gasoline lies somewhere in the garage,…


Virtual Assets Law: Help or Barrier?
For a long time this market remained unsettled. So the conceptual goal of adopting a…
