little closer
Women’s business: gender role
At the same time, it is foolish to deny that women are more likely than men to make important decisions, ranging from the choice of food, clothing, furniture, repair materials, and ending with real estate and technology. Does this world still belong to men? No matter how! And the trend of recent years indicates that women from the rank of buyers boldly and successfully migrated to the other side, literally in front of their eyes, rediscovering those business sectors that initially had a clear division into “male” and were inaccessible to fragile creatures. Continue reading
How the banking system works
We all, one way or another, interact with banks. Deposits, loans, bank cards, payment of utility bills: this is an integral part of the daily life of every person. But who thought about what are the schemes of banks and how the entire banking system works? Understand how banks make money.
The structure of the banking system in the Russian Federation
In Russia, the banking system is two-tier. Continue reading
The concept of liquidity, types and how to calculate
The meaning of the word liquidity is not as confusing a term as it might seem. In essence, liquidity is the ability of something (an asset) to quickly turn back into money without losing value. Liquid, respectively, – convertible into money. Values are high, low and illiquid. The faster and easier an asset can be exchanged for money, the higher its liquidity.
The concept is widespread and applicable to any object – including real estate, stocks, enterprises, markets, etc. There is also the concept of “liquid value” – this is an indicator (in monetary terms) of the appraised object, reduced by the costs associated with its sale. Continue reading