8 reasons why a business is losing money out of the blue
When we start working with financial accounting in companies, the first thing we do is…

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How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can end in a…

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The main mistakes of businessmen
So what's the problem? Why do some manage to run a business, while others go…


How to start a crayfish farming business
One common form of small business is selling beer. In Russia, they especially like a…

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everyone today

Business financial health

It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a new branch, hires its second thousand employees and does not leave the front page of Forbes. But then – once, and bankruptcy. This happens when the owner looks only at the scale of the company or turnover, and these are not indicators that really reflect the financial health of the business. About those – in the article.

0. Profitability
Before we get into the metrics, let’s look at the types of profitability. Continue reading

How to create a business from scratch?

Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems like a promising undertaking for every vigorous enthusiast. However, many novice businessmen either burn out or, in principle, do not dare to realize their idea. Statistics show that 99% of ideas for their own business are put into a black box for various reasons: someone is simply lazy, others cannot quickly navigate the current situation and miss their chance. The very first and main question that arises for the future tycoon: where to get the finances to create a business from scratch? Continue reading

How to develop a business plan

For the success of the enterprise and the company as a whole, you need the right development strategy, which needs to be thought out to the smallest detail. The best option would be to create a business plan, which will clearly spell out all the points. But, for starters, let’s look at what a business plan is, its varieties, the rules and purposes of drawing up – this is what we will tell you about in our article.

The essence and meaning of a business plan Continue reading

7 financial risks in business that could be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be…


How to make money recycling aluminum cans and plastic bottles
Recycling materials is not only good for the environment, but it can also be great…


Bank selection
Choosing a bank is one of the most responsible decisions. A lot can depend on…
