The main mistakes of businessmen
So what's the problem? Why do some manage to run a business, while others go…

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How to evaluate workflow improvements
In order for a business to remain competitive, its work processes (both production and financial)…

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Types of cash flows
Three types of cash flows It is customary for entrepreneurs to divide the cash flow…


How to develop a business plan
For the success of the enterprise and the company as a whole, you need the…

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such amount

How to make money without working

Agree, it would be great if we could earn money without working? While there is no one hundred percent way to get rich without working at all, there are methods by which you can earn money with little or no effort. If you have the funds to invest or are willing to invest in your next money-making scheme, you will have a better chance of making consistent cash flow than in a traditional job.


How to make money in an unconventional way Continue reading

How to create a trust fund

A trust fund is commonly seen as a way to raise money for the children of wealthy people, but in fact it can be a useful financial tool at any stage of life. A trust fund can be a good example of how to set aside and save money for children or save money for loved ones in the event of the death of a family member.

Image titled Create a Trust Fund Step 1
one Continue reading

Bank selection
Choosing a bank is one of the most responsible decisions. A lot can depend on…


Business financial health
It happens that a company looks successful, healthy and rich: every month it opens a…


How the banking system works
We all, one way or another, interact with banks. Deposits, loans, bank cards, payment of…
