Bets in the red: what can change the situation
With official inflation of 10% and a sharp devaluation of the hryvnia, the standard rates…

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Money under the mattress does not work!
Like fuel for a car. If a canister of gasoline lies somewhere in the garage,…

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How to create a business from scratch?
Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems like a promising undertaking for every…


How to earn fast
Do you urgently need money? There are several ways to quickly earn extra money. Such…

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rental of housing

How to make money without working

Agree, it would be great if we could earn money without working? While there is no one hundred percent way to get rich without working at all, there are methods by which you can earn money with little or no effort. If you have the funds to invest or are willing to invest in your next money-making scheme, you will have a better chance of making consistent cash flow than in a traditional job.


How to make money in an unconventional way Continue reading

How to conduct business process analysis
A business process is a system that a company uses to achieve a goal. Also,…


Bank selection
Choosing a bank is one of the most responsible decisions. A lot can depend on…


Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the work of the company
In response to this statement, one can object that the company is the people working…
