How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…

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How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…

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Why does a business need a fast payment system
What is a fast payment system This is an instant transfer service from the Bank…


The main mistakes of businessmen
So what's the problem? Why do some manage to run a business, while others go…

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How to conduct business process analysis

A business process is a system that a company uses to achieve a goal. Also, this term can be defined as a sequence of actions that allows you to create a product or service for customers. Managers analyze business processes to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of the process. First of all, the manager analyzes the current process. Management may then decide to make changes to improve the existing process. For example, an improved process can help a company save time, reduce costs, or create a more compelling product.

Decide how to create a business process Continue reading

How to Calculate the Share of Income Paid as Dividends

The share of income paid in the form of dividends is a way of measuring the share of a company’s profits that is paid out to investors in the form of dividends over a set period (usually within a year), and does not go to the development of the company. In general, old and established companies have higher dividend ratios – their earnings levels have already risen significantly, while companies with lower dividend ratios are young companies with rapidly growing potential. To calculate the proportion of a company’s earnings paid out in dividends over a given period, use either Dividends Paid/Net Income or Annual Dividends Per Share/Net Earnings Per Share, which are equivalent. Continue reading

How to become rich at a young age

If a person wants to become rich, then he will have to work hard, plan things wisely and put aside savings at any age, especially in his youth (of course, if he was not lucky enough to inherit wealth). It may seem that young and famous artists, athletes and businessmen got rich by chance or simply due to their innate talents, but all their achievements are the result of perseverance and dedication. Most people will not be able to achieve astronomical success, but any motivated person can become rich in just a few years through their efforts, time and adherence to certain principles. Continue reading

How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…


Choosing a bank for business
The choice of a bank for business in Russia is one of the key problems…


8 reasons why a business is losing money out of the blue
When we start working with financial accounting in companies, the first thing we do is…
