bucket of crabs
How to create a business from scratch?
Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems like a promising undertaking for every vigorous enthusiast. However, many novice businessmen either burn out or, in principle, do not dare to realize their idea. Statistics show that 99% of ideas for their own business are put into a black box for various reasons: someone is simply lazy, others cannot quickly navigate the current situation and miss their chance. The very first and main question that arises for the future tycoon: where to get the finances to create a business from scratch? Continue reading
A selection of business ideas with minimal investment
However, the majority of Russians still hold the opinion that only the elite can open their own business. There is a stereotype in society that it is necessary to invest millions of dollars in your business, to get into loans and debts.
In fact, this is not so. What you really need to start and conduct business processes correctly is perseverance, a conscious desire and competence in the field that you have chosen. Continue reading
Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the work of the company
In response to this statement, one can object that the company is the people working in it, which means that changes should affect not only the top management, but also the rest of the links in this chain, tightly attached to the anchor going to the bottom.
The first step towards change begins with the very awareness of the problem and the need to break the habitual way of life or, as it is now fashionable to say, “get out of the comfort zone.” Often such a need arises against the background of an existing and theoretically working business plan, which, alas, does not bring the desired result. Continue reading