How to create a business from scratch?
Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems like a promising undertaking for every…

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Women's business: gender role
At the same time, it is foolish to deny that women are more likely than…

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5 ways to make your business financially sustainable
Business financial sustainability is like that 2000s meme girl—hard to find and easy to lose.…


How to conduct market research
Marketing research is carried out by both future entrepreneurs and actual businessmen in order to…

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bucket of crabs

How to become rich at a young age

If a person wants to become rich, then he will have to work hard, plan things wisely and put aside savings at any age, especially in his youth (of course, if he was not lucky enough to inherit wealth). It may seem that young and famous artists, athletes and businessmen got rich by chance or simply due to their innate talents, but all their achievements are the result of perseverance and dedication. Most people will not be able to achieve astronomical success, but any motivated person can become rich in just a few years through their efforts, time and adherence to certain principles. Continue reading

Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances

Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship with finances? We all want to have as much money as we need and even more, but in the end we can observe that someone is friends with money, and someone not so much.

Money requires respect, so proper handling and following the money laws discussed in this article will help you improve your financial situation and strengthen your relationship with money. Continue reading

Operating lever

Typically, business owners are interested in two interrelated indicators: revenue and profit. Revenue shows how much the company has earned, and profit shows how much is left after deducting expenses.

Most likely, if the revenue is higher, then the profit will be higher. The opposite also works: if revenue falls, then the same will happen with profit. And everything would be very simple if there was a direct relationship between the indicators. But no: revenue can sink quite a bit, and this will lead to big losses. Continue reading

How to develop a business plan
For the success of the enterprise and the company as a whole, you need the…


How to conduct market research
Marketing research is carried out by both future entrepreneurs and actual businessmen in order to…


How to earn fast
Do you urgently need money? There are several ways to quickly earn extra money. Such…
