How to evaluate workflow improvements
In order for a business to remain competitive, its work processes (both production and financial)…

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How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can end in a…

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How to organize a fundraising event
We all have heard about global problems and the necessary amount of funds that will…


Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances
Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship…

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Monthly Archives: March 2022

How to make money recycling aluminum cans and plastic bottles

Recycling materials is not only good for the environment, but it can also be great for your wallet, making you some extra cash. The easiest way to recycle is aluminum cans and plastic bottles: they can be taken to recycling centers, which usually pay by weight or quantity. Keep reading this article to learn how to recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles to make money.

Getting ready for recycling Continue reading

How to create a trust fund

A trust fund is commonly seen as a way to raise money for the children of wealthy people, but in fact it can be a useful financial tool at any stage of life. A trust fund can be a good example of how to set aside and save money for children or save money for loved ones in the event of the death of a family member.

Image titled Create a Trust Fund Step 1
one Continue reading

How to write a business plan for agriculture and animal husbandry

A business plan is essential to get you on the ground before you start a farming business, no matter how you prepare for it. In today’s world, animal husbandry is more complex and more changeable than it was 100 years ago. This has been due to market changes, high costs, low profit margins, different ways of raising cattle, and specialized markets.

The type of business plan you write is up to you, but the following step-by-step process for creating a proper business plan will help you in the long run. Continue reading

7 financial risks in business that could be worth millions
There are always risks in business, and there are many of them. Some cannot be…


How to create a business from scratch?
Therefore, it is not surprising that this idea seems like a promising undertaking for every…


Comfortable old age without FIU
Getting old is not scary, it's scary to live in poverty. Are you ready to…
