How to become a bank manager
If banking is your industry, consider what it takes to be a bank manager. Bank…

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How to become a marketing consultant
Marketing is the ability to tell a compelling story about products and services through words,…

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How to run a garage sale
A garage sale is a good way to get rid of unwanted items and earn…


How to organize a fundraising event
We all have heard about global problems and the necessary amount of funds that will…

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buy broken

Virtual Assets Law: Help or Barrier?

For a long time this market remained unsettled. So the conceptual goal of adopting a law on virtual assets is, first of all, to move the market and activities with virtual assets into the legal field. This means granting a certain legal status and concept to virtual assets (which, by the way, is not limited to cryptocurrency only), direct recognition of virtual assets at the legislative level as objects of legal relations, regulation of their circulation, determination of the rights and obligations of participants in the virtual assets market and the establishment of public policy principles and regulation in the sphere of their circulation. Continue reading

Bets in the red: what can change the situation

With official inflation of 10% and a sharp devaluation of the hryvnia, the standard rates in banks on the most popular deposits today are in the range of 7.5-8.5%. Taking into account the taxation of deposits and the situation with the unstable hryvnia exchange rate, real rates thus went into a deep minus. On deposits in foreign currency (in dollars and euros), banks pay quite ridiculous interest – no more than 1% per annum. Continue reading

How to Find Marginal Revenue

According to basic economic principles, if a company lowers the price of its products, then that company can sell more products. However, this will generate less profit for each additional item sold. Marginal revenue is the increase in revenue from the sale of an additional unit of output. Marginal revenue can be calculated using a simple formula: Marginal revenue = (change in total revenue)/(change in units sold). Continue reading

Tough measures or how to make adjustments to the work of the company
In response to this statement, one can object that the company is the people working…


How to conduct business process analysis
A business process is a system that a company uses to achieve a goal. Also,…


How to evaluate workflow improvements
In order for a business to remain competitive, its work processes (both production and financial)…
