How to Find Marginal Revenue
According to basic economic principles, if a company lowers the price of its products, then…

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How to become a marketing consultant
Marketing is the ability to tell a compelling story about products and services through words,…

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How to conduct business process analysis
A business process is a system that a company uses to achieve a goal. Also,…


Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances
Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship…

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loss of profit

Women’s business: gender role

At the same time, it is foolish to deny that women are more likely than men to make important decisions, ranging from the choice of food, clothing, furniture, repair materials, and ending with real estate and technology. Does this world still belong to men? No matter how! And the trend of recent years indicates that women from the rank of buyers boldly and successfully migrated to the other side, literally in front of their eyes, rediscovering those business sectors that initially had a clear division into “male” and were inaccessible to fragile creatures. Continue reading

How the banking system works

We all, one way or another, interact with banks. Deposits, loans, bank cards, payment of utility bills: this is an integral part of the daily life of every person. But who thought about what are the schemes of banks and how the entire banking system works? Understand how banks make money.

The structure of the banking system in the Russian Federation

In Russia, the banking system is two-tier. Continue reading

How the process of bankruptcy of enterprises occurs: methods of prevention

The term “bankruptcy” in Italian means “broken bench (table, counter).” In times of lack of financial literacy, it was customary to smash and destroy bankrupt offices. Since then, a lot has changed and the criteria for bankruptcy of enterprises have become accessible and understandable. Bankruptcy is not always synonymous with loss these days. In many cases, this procedure becomes an important step towards financial recovery. Continue reading

How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…


How to analyze the ratio of debt to equity
The debt-to-equity ratio is a financial measure used to assess a company's capital structure, more…


How to run a garage sale
A garage sale is a good way to get rid of unwanted items and earn…
