Bank selection
Choosing a bank is one of the most responsible decisions. A lot can depend on…

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How to attract a sponsor
The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can end in a…

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Seven laws of money or how to be friends with finances
Do you want to become financially free and prosperous? Have you thought about your relationship…


How to conduct market research
Marketing research is carried out by both future entrepreneurs and actual businessmen in order to…

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Many people skip

How to start a crayfish farming business

One common form of small business is selling beer. In Russia, they especially like a foamy drink, which means they buy many types of snacks for it. One of the most popular and expensive are crayfish. The main catch is that this aquatic inhabitant is not so easy to find in a regular store.

Against this background, we recommend that you consider breeding crayfish as a business. This is capable of generating a steady income on a product that has not lost popularity for many decades. Continue reading

Comfortable old age without FIU

Getting old is not scary, it’s scary to live in poverty. Are you ready to give up going to the cinema, having fun with friends in bars, designer clothes and other pleasant little things in life? It is rare to meet retirees in fashion boutiques, cafes or cinemas, and even abroad, in popular resorts.

In connection with the increase in the retirement age and the general financial destabilization, we need to think about the future today.

Start now or enjoy life? Continue reading

How to run a garage sale

A garage sale is a good way to get rid of unwanted items and earn some extra money. There is nothing difficult in organizing a garage sale, and the right prices, advertising and communication with buyers will become additional components of success.

How to prepare goods

Select items to sell. Go through all the boxes of things in the attic, outbuilding, basement and garage to select items for sale. Walk through all the rooms in the house to find unnecessary things. Continue reading

How to organize a fundraising event
We all have heard about global problems and the necessary amount of funds that will…


How to make money without working
Agree, it would be great if we could earn money without working? While there is…


What is net cash flow
Net cash flow is an economic indicator of the solvency and financial well-being of the…
