How to start a crayfish farming business
One common form of small business is selling beer. In Russia, they especially like a…

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Comfortable old age without FIU
Getting old is not scary, it's scary to live in poverty. Are you ready to…

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Bets in the red: what can change the situation
With official inflation of 10% and a sharp devaluation of the hryvnia, the standard rates…


Operating lever
Typically, business owners are interested in two interrelated indicators: revenue and profit. Revenue shows how…

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potential sponsor

Comfortable old age without FIU

Getting old is not scary, it’s scary to live in poverty. Are you ready to give up going to the cinema, having fun with friends in bars, designer clothes and other pleasant little things in life? It is rare to meet retirees in fashion boutiques, cafes or cinemas, and even abroad, in popular resorts.

In connection with the increase in the retirement age and the general financial destabilization, we need to think about the future today.

Start now or enjoy life? Continue reading

How to attract a sponsor

The process of obtaining sponsorship for your business, project or event can end in a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation, or a complete failure. However, you can significantly increase your chances of success by learning how to properly identify credible potential sponsors, write resumes, and send out customized sponsorship packages. Let’s start with method 1.

Identify potential sponsors Continue reading

8 reasons why a business is losing money out of the blue
When we start working with financial accounting in companies, the first thing we do is…


How to survive your own financial crisis
A personal financial crisis can be the result of a variety of events: job loss,…


How to become rich at a young age
If a person wants to become rich, then he will have to work hard, plan…
